Do You Really Need Website Monitoring for Your Website?

· 3 min read
Do You Really Need Website Monitoring for Your Website?

A number of online entrepreneurs and website owners have realized the need of a quality website monitoring service to mitigate the damage due to website downtime. There are still status , however, who wonder if they really need website monitoring because of their websites. For example, those who operate and update blogs may wonder if website monitoring is actually necessary for their website since they don't make direct selling. Since direct sales are not a concern, they think downtime might not really affect profits to a significant degree. If this example is consistent with your ideas on website monitoring, there may be a few areas of downtime you are overlooking. Before you select a website monitoring service is not necessary for your site, ask yourself these three questions.

1. Is status  in Any Way?

Even if you don't make direct selling, if your website is monetized in any way (such as through Google AdSense or other affiliate arrangements) then downtime can indeed affect the gains of your website. If your site is down or visitors can't select your affiliate links, your website can't make money. Just as with a site that makes direct sales, any site that is monetized at all will eventually lose profits when downtime occurs. Just because your site does not make direct sales does not mean that downtime will not affect the bottom line of your site's profitability.

2. Have You Invested In SEO?

If you have committed to SEO to realize high search engine ranking positions, chances are that how much time and money you have invested in SEO are quite significant. Unfortunately, frequent downtime or performance problems with your website can cause those search engine ranking positions to drop. In the event that you aren't monitoring the downtime of one's website, you have no way to tell if your website is encountering enough downtime to hurt your search engine ranking positions, throwing all those SEO efforts to the wind.

3. Does Your Site's Image Matter to You?

If your site's image and reputation matter for you, then you need to minimize any downtime your website may experience. For example, if your site is really a funnel page and you also want to get people to join something or service or you utilize your site to position yourself as an expert in your field, downtime will affect how professional your target market really thinks you are. If your site frequently malfunctions or falls, it will be hard for people to take your site seriously and the reputation of your website (not to mention your own reputation) will take a dive. If image is essential to the success of your site and your business, then the uptime of your website is simply as important. Therefore status  need a website monitoring service in place to monitor any downtime your site may experience.

The Bottom Line

While some people may indeed be capable of geting away without using a website monitoring service, such as for example somebody who just uses their site as a personal blog and doesn't care about things such as SEO, profits, or downtime, the majority of those who operate websites achieve this to benefit from them. If you profit from your site in any way or your website is even indirectly related to your business's profits, you then need to make sure you keep downtime to a minimum. The simplest way to do this is to ensure that you have partnered with an internet site monitoring service which will alert you as soon as downtime occurs so you can go to work getting your site back ready to go as quickly as possible in order to avoid profit loss, SEO damage, and a hit to your reputation.